Ken Rubin's Macintosh

aka garden wall graphics

t r a i n i n g

Okay, right off the bat I acknowledge there is a place called The Apple Store. There you can get cheap Mac and iPhone/iPad training and troubleshooting diagnostics and other things. Can’t beat it, right. I believe that Ken Rubin’s Macintosh can beat The Apple Store in some important ways, and be a complement to it as well.

My approach to supporting the Apple user is to become an extension of their computer life. Help you grow with your Apple toys and that includes software that Apple does not get involved with (e.g. MS Word, Photoshop, Facebook). That’s why I train you at your home or office, working in familiar territory. I also offer free phone and email support for simple Q&A immediately after a training session or anytime thereafter.

Should you necessarily dismiss the Apple Store? Of course not. What you can do is combine the best of both services. Apple provides one-on-one support in a loud environment, taught through the lens of a corporation. Go and take a “class” or two and see how it goes — and don’t forget to bring your computer. What you could do is bring me over to fill in the blanks that were lost in moving back and forth between the store and your home. I can show you things that Apple missed, and in a much more comfortable environment. I also write customized lessons on the topics covered at your home or office.

The biggest advantage in using Ken Rubin’s Macintosh is the breath of knowledge over many disciplines. Not only can I train you on basic Macintosh features, but also other important areas that are common to the computer experience. To name just a few: accurate printing & scanning, software updates, 3rd party software installation, and basic maintenance and troubleshooting.

And finally there is software. Apple tends to look the other way when it comes to software they do not publish. My training does not stop at Apple products such as Mail, iTunes and Time Machine. It extends to Adobe and Microsoft products as well. It also covers such things as Google Chrome and Facebook. Training can be narrow or far reaching. It is whatever your heart desires.

Serving the Greater

Los Angeles area

Hours 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

West Coast Time

818-631-9028 – cell

818-786-8026 – land


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